My love for yoga started back in the late nineties when I walked into the Sivananda Yoga Centre in Putney, London. It transformed how I approached those turbulent late twenties and a stressful TV career. It became central to my mental and physical wellbeing; leading to healthier relationships and work life, and a more compassionate mindset.
In 2020 I became chronically unwell with Long Covid for two years. Even the exertion of a downward dog triggered a relapse as my nervous system was a mess. I sought support in a yoga-based Rest, Repair and Recovery group and learnt about delicately nurturing my system until it trusted movement again.
I discovered a new level of respect for the power our inner-dialogue and our subconscious has on our bodies and finally understood what people meant by the mind-body connection. My trust and wonder in the benefits of yoga was reignited, along with its stablemates breathwork and meditation.
I knew then I wanted to deepen my knowledge, train to be a teacher and share the endless benefits with others.